Blue Fire Pointer

Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

Jatijajar Cave

Jatijajar cave is a cave located in the village jatijajar, District Ayah, Kebumen regency, Central Java Province. This cave has a history, the cave was discovered by a farmer named Jayamenawi. When he took the grass, he accidentally fell in a hole deep enough depth approximately 24 m, with a diameter of 4m. At that time I have not yet closed its doors due to the ground, and then to find the door should be dug up and see the door of the cave. Why is this cave called the cave Jatijajar? "Because in this cave (the cave entrance) there were two large oak that is parallel (in the Bahasa called jati sejajar) then this cave called Gua Jatijajar.
Inside the cave there Jatijajar there are many stalagmites and limestone pillars. Limestone stalagmites and columns are formed from deposits of rain water. According to experts the stalagmite formation takes a long time, in one year (under study) is approximately 1cm only just forming, so I have been there since time immemorial. In this cave there is also a statue of a dinosaur that signifies Jatijajar tourist attraction, the statue at the mouth of removing water from the Spring and Spring Rose kantil, water for irrigating rice fields dimamafaatkan Jatijajar and surrounding villages.
This cave was also present there are 8 diorama diorama which tells the legend of Raden Kamandaka-monkey Kasarung

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